


Resource: Yangmingshan National Park Just north of Taipei’s bustling cityscape lies a surprising escape: Yangmingshan National Park. This volcanic playground boasts a dramatic landscape sculpted by fiery eruptions millions of years ago. Dormant giants like Qixing Mountain pierce the sky, while wispy steam rises from fumaroles – vents spewing volcanic gases – hinting at the park’s simmering past. But Yangmingshan isn’t just about geology. It’s a seasonal spectacle for flower enthusiasts. Spring explodes with a mesmerizing display of cherry blossoms, while summer sees hydrangeas paint the hillsides in vibrant hues. Year-round, calla lilies flourish at Zhúlìhú (Bamboo Lake), a serene crater lake surrounded by colorful flower farms. Autumn brings a fiery display of reds and oranges, while winter offers a tranquil escape with mountains veiled in mist. Hikers can explore diverse trails, encountering wildlife and enjoy panoramic vistas. For a more relaxed pace, stroll along Zhúlìhú or the otherworldly Qīngtiān…

Taiwan is a food lover’s paradise, offering a tantalizing array of culinary delights that have garnered international acclaim. From street food stalls to upscale restaurants, Taiwanese cuisine is a delectable fusion of flavors, influenced by its diverse cultural heritage and bountiful local ingredients. Join us on a mouthwatering…

Taiwan’s cultural landscape is a melting pot of influences from its indigenous peoples, Chinese settlers, and Japanese colonial era, creating a unique blend that is distinctly Taiwanese. Nestled in the heart of East Asia, Taiwan is a captivating island nation that weaves together a vibrant tapestry of cultures,…

Nestled within the heart of Taiwan, a world of awe-inspiring beauty unfolds as towering mountains and lush forests intertwine, creating a haven for both nature enthusiasts and a rich diversity of wildlife. From the soaring peaks to the verdant valleys, Taiwan’s mountains and forests are a captivating tapestry…