If you are wondering what to eat in Alishan, you have landed in the right spot. Today, we are here to guide you through the tasty stuff. Beyond the mist-kissed mountains and breathtaking scenery, Alishan has a great deal of delicious surprises waiting for you. Join us as we check out the flavors and traditions that make Alishan’s food scene awesome. From indigenous treats that tell stories of the past to the comforting sips of Alishan High Mountain Tea, get ready to satisfy your curiosity and appetite in this captivating destination. We’re not just talking about food; we’re talking about the kind of eats that make your Alishan experience complete. So, if you’re ready for a delicious tour through all Alishan food wonders, grab a seat at the virtual table – let’s dig into the delectable world of Alishan’s culinary treasures.

Alishan Scenic Area

If you are here just to make sure you won’t starve when you visit the Alishan mountains, let us get that out of the way first. No, you definitely won’t. Even though you are up in the rural mountains, Alishan is a pretty developed tourist attraction. There are quite a few restaurants at the main hub of Alishan Scenic area. Including a food court, multiple tea and souvenir shops and a seven eleven.

If you want something more affordable, you can try the Naromafei food court (Maps). They feature food more similar to those you find in street stands in Beitou or small local restaurants. If you want something quick to grab and go, head straight to 7-11. If you want to try something more special and unique to Alishan, the most popular ones are 山芝鄉風味館 (Shan zhi xiang | Maps) and 山賓 (Shan bin | Maps). However these places might get quite crowded as it is conveniently located.

alishan food map

If you want more than just filling your stomach, you are at the right place. Alishan’s food has so much more to offer in addition to these restaurants at the main entrance. Keep reading to learn more about the specialties and our recommendations!

Alishan Indigenous Cuisine

One cannot explore Alishan’s indigenous food without savoring the authentic dishes prepared in the traditional Tsou way. Picture this – mountainous terrain, and the aroma of freshly grilled mountain boar, roasted chicken, and fragrant sausage permeate the air. These are not just meals; they’re a celebration of the pure, unadulterated essence of Alishan food.

The Tsou tribe 鄒族

tsou tribe

Source: openmuseum.tw

Alishan’s culinary culture is interwoven with the traditions of the Tsou Tribe, adding a unique and authentic flavor to the region. The Tsou Tribe is an indigenous community that has long called Alishan home. Their deep-rooted history in Alishan has contributed significantly to the local food culture. The Tsou people have passed down culinary traditions that celebrate the essence of local ingredients and time-honored cooking methods.

Next, we will introduce the must-try Tsou dishes in Alishan!

Mountain Boar 山豬肉 and Indigenous Barbecue

alishan indigenous food

Source: spicycamping.com, flyblog.cc

Indulging in Alishan’s indigenous barbecue is an experience that takes your taste buds on a flavorful journey. Particularly when it comes to the mountain boar. The Tsou Tribe, with their time-honored traditions, has perfected the art of grilling mountain boar to bring out its natural succulence and distinctive taste. Alongside this star protein, the indigenous barbecue spread features an array of other delights. Such as roasted chicken and 馬告香腸 (Ma Gao Xiang Chang), the fragrant sausage. These barbeque are often prepared using traditional methods such as woodfire roasting. They embody the essence of the mountainous terrain it roams. The result is a mouthwatering dish that captures the smoky aroma of the grill, infusing each bite with a perfect blend of tenderness and robust flavor. 

Bamboo tube rice 竹筒飯

alishan bamboo rice

Source: justitravel.com

A dish that may stand out is the “小米竹筒飯” (Xiao Mi Zhu Tong Fan), a delectable combination of small, sticky rice varieties, stuffed into bamboo tubes and cooked to perfection. No fancy ingredients – just the pure, straightforward taste that will leave your taste buds wanting more. Infused with light bamboo fragrance, bamboo tube rice is a typical indigenous offering.

Alpine Vegetables

alishan vegetables

Source: smiletaiwan, miemie.tw, alberthsieh.tw

Another critical element of Alishan’s culinary palette are alpine vegetables. Alishan offers a variety of options with each passing season. Among these, the locally sourced and seasonally limited vegetables, 轎篙筍 (Jiao Gao Sun), stand out. Jiao Gao Sun, a special type of bamboo shoots, brings a crisp and earthy essence to dishes. The high-altitude landscapes also provide the perfect conditions for an array of vegetables like 木耳 (Mu Er) – wood ear mushrooms, 山蘇 (Shan Su) – mountain ferns, yams and 竹筍 (Zhu Sun) – bamboo shoots. Each of these ingredients, locally grown and harvested, adds a unique texture and flavor to Alishan’s culinary offerings. The freshness of these ingredients are emphasized with limited seasoning. These alpine vegetables add a versatile touch to the Alishan food culture, finding their way into refreshing salads, flavorful stir-fries, hearty soups, and more.

River and Creek Ingredients

alishan fish

Source: aniseblog.tw, smiletaiwan

Creek fish and river prawns, sourced fresh from the pristine waters, bring a unique aquatic essence to Alishan’s cuisine. These ingredients, plucked from the crystal-clear streams, find their way into a variety of dishes, adding a delightful touch to the local fare. Whether grilled to perfection, simmered in flavorful soups, or featured in savory stews, creek fish and river prawns showcase the region’s commitment to utilizing the freshest and most natural ingredients. Thanks to local conservation efforts, each bite is a testament to the purity of Alishan’s waterways and the culinary mastery of the Tsou tribe.

Traditional Wine

alishan wine

Source: 阿里山逐鹿部落 veoveoana, 樂活報名網

To complement the hearty meals, the Tsou Tribe has their own traditional drinks. Whether it’s the warmth of small millet wine or the refreshing taste of green bamboo wine, each sip adds another layer to the overall dining experience. 

Now that we are familiar with the offerings, we want to highlight a couple of the local favorite Alishan food places. If you are unable to visit them, no worries! Most restaurants around the Alishan area will have similar offerings.

Alishan Favourite: Yupasu Tsou Restaurant 游芭絲鄒宴餐廳

📍Maps 🕒 11:00 – 15:30, 16:30-21:30 (Closed Tues Wed)

yupasu thou restaurant

Nestled along the path to Danaiku Nature Ecological Park on the Alishan Highway, Yupasu Tsouyan Restaurant stands as the most favored Alishan culinary gems. It has earned its reputation as a must-visit Alishan food landmark. The awe-inspiring scenic dining area, often likened to a utopia, beckons visitors to indulge in a Tsou tribal culinary feast.

The exterior features a rustic open-air kitchen with wood-fired grills showcasing different protein enticingly arranged for a continuous barbecue feast. The interior, adorned with wooden and rattan decor, instantly transports patrons closer to nature. The entrance showcases various local products for purchase, including unique items like tree beans, tree tomatoes, small millet wine, and tea leaves – perfect for a post-meal stroll.

alishan food places

Source: dribs-drabs.com, thiskp.com

Moreover, the dining area offers seats near the mountain view, providing an uninterrupted view of the cascading mountain ranges. However, given the limited number of these coveted seats, it’s advisable to specify your preference during reservations. Even if you don’t mind sitting further from mountain views, we suggest you to reserve your seats to ensure a great experience.

Ordering is simplified based on the number of diners, with group-size set menus ensuring a taste of each signature dish. The menu usually features wood-grilled meat, original sausages, stir-fried local vegetables, bamboo chicken, rice, soup, and a seasonal flavor salad. Additionally, you can also indulge in Tsou tribal handmade cassava pancakes and freshly squeezed tree tomato juice – a temptation that is hard to resist!

TsouFong 鄒風館

📍Maps 🕒 10:00–14:00, 16:30–21:30  (Closed Tues)

toss tribe food

Located in the largest Tou tribal village in Alishan, Dabang Village, TsouFong Restaurant is collaborative effort between local farmers, chefs, and the indigenous community. The restaurant introduces a delectable array of Alishan delicacies crafted from seasonal produce. The table is adorned with meticulously plated and delicious Tsou tribal dishes, featuring Alishan giant peas, oak mushrooms, Jiao Gao Sun bamboo shoots-infused rice, Ai Yu drink, pan-fried eggs with Chinese hackberry, Ma Gao Xiang Chang fragrant sausages, grilled chicken, and stir-fried oak mushrooms with mountain boar skin.

alishan food recommendations

best alishan food

Source: margaret.tw

One notable highlight is the “Hunter’s Pack,” a compact meal traditionally carried by Tsou tribal hunters during their expeditions. The small bundle is packed with salted fish, taro, small millet, pork, and glutinous rice. Despite the size, it is the perfect energy boost for hunters venturing into the wild. TsouFong Restaurant, with its fusion of indigenous creativity and dedication to local ingredients, offers a dining experience that celebrates Alishan’s culinary heritage in every bite.

Alishan Local Favorite Restaurants

HANA Village Kitchen

📍Maps 🕒 11 :00-17:00 (Closed Mon, Tue)

alishan restaurant

HANA Kitchen, nestled in the tranquil natural landscape of Laiji Village, seamlessly blends Tsou tribal and South African cuisines. It is inspired by the legendary tale of the romance between a South African girl and a Tsou boy. The restaurant features a menu crafted from locally sourced ingredients. Including produce from tribal farmers, complemented by freshly baked artisanal bread and coffee desserts. Despite its remote mountain location, HANA Kitchen has become a popular European-style exotic dining spot. It attracts visitors who are captivated by both its delectable offerings and the enchanting love story associated with the place.

Source: kindomliving.com.tw, ricelala.com

Known for its mouthwatering handcrafted pizzas with lively dough and oven-baked crust, the restaurant often experiences high demand, and reservations are recommended. Keep in mind that the journey to HANA Kitchen involves a considerable drive from popular attractions like Alishan. So it is advisable to plan ahead and book a week in advance, especially during peak times. The serene dining environment, coupled with breathtaking mountain views, makes HANA Kitchen a therapeutic retreat for those seeking a unique culinary experience. Don’t miss the highly recommended barbecue platter, hearty soups, and the signature pizzas. But be sure to secure your spot in advance, as the freshly baked bread tends to sell out quickly.

Air Library

📍Maps 🕒 09 :00-18:00

Source: travel.yam.com

The “Air Library” in Meishan, Chiayi, is a highly sought-after and Instagram-worthy restaurant. It often requires early reservations for its limited seating. The ambiance is remarkable, providing a perfect setting for photography amidst lush greenery, ferns, and wooden furniture. Despite its name, the restaurant doesn’t have any books but instead boasts a natural and unpretentious environment with various ferns and succulents. The menu is diverse, featuring breakfast, lunch hot pots, set meals, and afternoon tea, with the option to purchase local specialties. Located near the Taiping Cloud Trail, the “Air Library” offers a peaceful retreat for visitors to enjoy a cup of tea and leisurely moments with family or friends. The interior, composed of cabinets and coffee chairs, complements the surrounding plant-filled area, making it a delightful spot to relax after exploring the nearby trail.

Alishan Tea House and Restaurants

Alishan boasts a rich and vibrant tea culture that has captivated tea enthusiasts worldwide. Renowned for its high-altitude tea plantations, Alishan is particularly celebrated for its oolong tea, which reflects the region’s unique terroir and traditional cultivation methods. The history of Alishan’s tea culture traces back centuries, with tea cultivation becoming an integral part of the local identity. The cool and misty climate, fertile soil, and skilled craftsmanship converge to produce teas with distinct characteristics. Alishan oolong teas are often characterized by their floral aroma, creamy texture, and a sweet aftertaste. The cultivation and processing techniques in Alishan contribute to the tea’s exceptional quality, making it a delightful representation of Taiwan’s rich tea heritage. Hence, trying out the renowned tea, tea related dishes and cuisine is a must!

Bitter Tea Oil 苦茶油

Source: swcbshop.com, tw.news.yahoo.com

Bitter tea oil, is a unique food hailing from Taiwan that adds a distinctive flavor to various dishes. Derived from the seeds of the Camellia tenuifolia plant, bitter tea oil is highly esteemed for its nutty and slightly bitter taste. This characteristic makes it a sought-after ingredient in Taiwanese cuisine. One of the most renowned dishes featuring bitter tea oil is the 苦茶油雞, or bitter tea oil chicken. This dish showcases the oil’s robust flavor by infusing it into succulent, tender chicken pieces. The result is a harmonious blend of aromatic bitterness and savory goodness that has become a delightful Alishan food item. The bitter tea oil chicken is a testament to the artistry of combining local Alishan ingredients to create a truly flavorful and memorable dish.

Yongfu Bitter Tea Oil Chicken 永富苦茶油雞

📍Maps 🕒 11 :00-14:15 , 16:00-18:30  (Closed Tues, Fri)

bitter tea oil chicken

Source: biblio.tw

Yongfu Bitter Tea Oil Chicken is located at a popular spot that serves as a midway point to Alishan, closer to Shizhuo and a 40-minute drive away from the Alishan National Forest Recreation Area. Reservations are not accepted, so patrons must wait on-site. The restaurant quickly fills up during meal times, and there is parking space available across the street.

Source: biblio.tw, tenjo.tw

Their signature dish, the Bitter Tea Oil Chicken, is priced at 350 NTD. The chicken is marinated in self-extracted bitter tea oil, stir-fried with fragrant ginger slices until crispy, and seasoned with only rice wine and salt. The result is a crispy chicken skin, succulent and flavorful meat, enhanced by the unique aroma of bitter tea oil. The dish pairs perfectly with noodles, providing a delightful combination of crispiness and oiliness. The restaurant also offers Mustard Tofu. The handmade tofu, a specialty of Shizhuo, is tender and sweet, topped with Alishan’s unique wasabi, providing a refreshing and mildly spicy flavor.

Additionally, they offer Cabbage, Dragon Whisker Vegetables, and Large Peas ranging from 100 to 150 NTD. The mountain-grown vegetables, including cabbage and dragon whisker vegetables, exhibit the sweet freshness typical of high-altitude produce. The locally-produced large peas add a sweet and crunchy element to the dish. Overall, Yongfu Bitter Tea Oil Chicken presents a delectable array of dishes that highlight the flavors of the region, making it a must-visit for those exploring the Alishan area.

Sheng Li Farm 生力農場


Source: margaret.tw

At the 55.6 km mark on the Alishan Highway, there stands the time-honored “Sheng Li Farm” (生力農場). Once a tea processing factory, Sheng Li Farm has transformed into a multifaceted establishment, combining elements of a bed and breakfast, coffee shop, and restaurant to offer diverse services and facilities to travelers. The restaurant operates on a reservation basis, emphasizing the owner’s dedication to culinary craftsmanship and the quality of the dishes.

Source: journey.tw

The dishes crafted at Sheng Li Farm incorporate Alishan tea, showcasing local flavors. Signature dishes include Alishan red tea braised pork knuckles. Prepared by slow-cooking with Alishan red tea, the dish exudes a deep red luster and is complemented by a tantalizing sauce. Then comes the classic bitter tea oil chicken, which involves marinating chicken in bitter tea oil and topping it with crispy fried ginger slices. The resulting dish is aromatic and indulgent, making it a perfect companion to the red tea-infused rice. Other dishes, such as the flavorful Oolong tea pork rib soup and the tea-infused lemon fish caught personally by the owner, showcase the farm’s commitment to using local and seasonal ingredients.

Fkuo Mountain Hibiscus 山芙蓉

📍Maps 🕒 08:30-17:00

Alishan food

Source: margaret.tw

“FKUO Mountain Hibiscus” is a captivating tea enterprise established by a Tsou tribe member and his Paiwan wife in Alishan’s Leye Village. The couple’s commitment to traditional tea-making methods is evident in every step. They showcase a hands-on approach from harvesting to fermentation and roasting. Beyond tea cultivation, the establishment uniquely combines indigenous Zou and Paiwan flavors into their cuisine, featuring seasonal produce.

Operating without a fixed menu, FKUO Mountain Hibiscus offers a delightful surprise to diners. It is not only a place for breathtaking views and delicious food but also a cultural immersion in Taiwan’s diverse heritage. The name “FKUO” refers to the lush mountain hibiscus that covers the hill. It symbolizes the couple’s dedication to sharing the beauty of the mountainous forest. With a “no-menu” dining concept, the restaurant ensures a healthy, trustworthy, and nourishing culinary adventure. They exclusively use homegrown vegetables and self-raised chickens – reservations are recommended for this unique experience!

Fengqihu Old Street

fenqihu old street

Source: ali-nsa.net

In Alishan, one culinary paradise that cannot be missed is the Fengqihu Old Street! Beyond the well-known Railway Bento, those who have done their homework will also discover a variety of other must-try delicacies. Including sweet doughnuts, ai yu jelly, rice cakes, grass cake, high-mountain tea, and Alishan coffee. Upon arriving at Alishan, kickstart your perfect journey with the delectable offerings of Fengqihu Old Street.

Serving as the largest midway station on the Alishan Forest Railway, Fengqihu Station has become a hub for train crews and passengers to take a break, fostering the unique culture of Railway Bento in Fengqihu. Known as the “Jiufen of Southern Taiwan,” Fengqihu Old Street exudes a nostalgic charm with its retro street scenes. Strolling through the old street, you’ll experience the vintage ambiance reminiscent of early Taiwan. The abundance of timber resources at Fengqihu during its heyday is evident in the many antique wooden buildings and the renowned wooden clog souvenirs. To truly delve into the history of Fengqihu, one must explore its culinary delights, each dish offering a taste of the rich heritage of this charming old street.

Railway Bento

bento in alishan

Starting around the 1950s, Fengqihu began selling Railway Bento, marking a shift for tourists who gradually abandoned bringing their own meals from Chiayi to ascend Alishan. Instead, they opted to purchase directly from the mountain’s cafeterias, which gained increasing fame. Facing economic challenges, businesses on the mountain started focusing on transformation. They successfully merged Railway Bento with Alishan’s popularity, promoting the Fengqihu Railway Bento to new heights. Beyond merely selling meals, they wrapped the stories of the mountain into the bento experience. This innovative approach not only revitalized the Railway Bento but also allowed visitors to truly immerse themselves in the spirit of Alishan. For many, a box of Railway Bento isn’t just a source of sustenance; it carries within it the stories and memories of youth, creating a nostalgic connection that goes beyond mere nourishment. Try out this wonderful Alishan food if you visit Fenqihu!

Fengqihu Hotel


railway bento box

The founding establishment of the Alishan Railway Bento, Fengqihu Hotel, holds a significant place in the early history of Fengqihu. In the era of flourishing forestry and with the railway as the primary mode of transportation, a considerable crowd traveled to and from Fengqihu daily. In the 1950s, the Lin family opened a cafeteria initiating the provision of Railway Bento. The delectable reputation quickly spread, and at its peak, they were selling over a thousand bentos a day. This success paved the way for Fengqihu’s Railway Bento to become renowned.

The signature Fengqihu Railway Bento features a duo of main dishes: the “Bento Battle Axe Soft Braised Pork” and the “Simmered Barbecued Chicken Leg.” Both the tender braised pork ribs and the chicken leg are perfectly seasoned. It features a savory taste that’s complemented by side dishes such as braised eggs, stir-fried cabbage, wood ear fungus, and shredded bamboo shoots. The bento is rich in content, providing a satisfying meal for one person. The tea-infused chicken leg is also among the favorites. It is made using locally famous Oolong tea through two rounds of manual braising, enhancing the entire bento with its unique flavor.

Dining at this establishment also includes complimentary bamboo shoot soup made from locally sourced bamboo shoots, offering a subtly sweet flavor. Notices on the wall remind patrons to recycle their waste and not to take away the bento iron boxes.

Yahu’s Railway Bento Shop

📍Maps 🕒 08:00-17:00

railroad bento box

Source: kurosaki.tw

Located at the heart of Fengqihu, just a 3-minute walk from the Fengqihu Train Station, is the Railway Bento shop of Grandma Ya Hu. Situated on the first floor of Ya Hu Mountain Resort, Grandma Ya Hu’s Railway Bento offers three main dishes – pork ribs, chicken leg, and braised pork. The bento is prepared with freshly cooked ingredients every day, ensuring a delicious and flavorful experience. With 60 years of operation, Grandma Ya Hu’s Railway Bento truly embodies the taste of home.

Fengqihu Xiao She Homestay


Source: mandarin-restaurant-2092.business.site

Located within the Fengqihu Old Street, the “Fengqihu Xiao She Homestay” offers Fengqihu Railway Bento. The owner emphasizes a healthy diet, ensuring that visitors can enjoy delicious meals similar to home-cooked food. The side dishes are freshly stir-fried with minimal oil and salt. The bento contains no processed foods or pickled vegetables. All the dishes are prepared by the owner on the same day, providing visitors with a taste of healthy and delicious home-style cuisine even while away from home. The commitment to health and flavor has undoubtedly earned praise from satisfied customers.

Fengqihu Donuts

lots of donuts

Recent years, sweet donut craze has swept through Fengqihu, with numerous donut shops emerging. Among them, the most famous is the Century-Old Cypress Donut in Fengqihu. These donuts are made using Danish dough, setting them apart from the traditional deep-fried donuts. Instead, they are baked at low temperatures, emitting a strong aroma of milk that can be detected from afar. The donuts have a crispy outer layer and a soft, fluffy interior, making them a must-try for many visitors before leaving Fengqihu.


Source: tenjo,tw, margaret,tw

One renowned spot is the Century-Old Cypress Donut (Maps). Despite its secluded location at the end of Fengqihu Old Street, the Century-Old Cypress Donut remains popular, and many visitors enjoy walking and munching on these delightful treats.

Another highly popular donut shop is “Old Street’s First Donut” (Maps). Their donuts feature a crispy outer layer and a soft, fragrant dough inside. Despite the shop’s name, the donuts are not overly sweet, aligning well with modern health-conscious preferences.

Fenchifu Rice Cake

📍Maps 🕒 09:30-17:00 🌐 Website

rice cake

Source: Fenchifu

The founder of “Fenchifu,” Mr. Chen Daisheng, is a local from Fengqihu, having grown up in Alishan. Due to the scarcity of resources in the mountainous region, his mother, in an effort to fulfill her children’s snack cravings, would take leftover rice, mold it into blocks, deep-fry it, and sprinkle it with a bit of sugar, creating a sweet rice cake infused with motherly love.

In the quest for supplementary food for his own children, Mr. Chen introduced the additive-free “Fenchifu” to everyone, hoping to continue the legacy of motherly love by providing simple and delicious snacks to safeguard his own children’s well-being. The main products currently offered include organic certified baby rice cakes, baby rice cakes, golden rice bricks, and more. From conceptualization to production and sale, “Fenchifu” not only delivers the taste of childhood but also brings forth the warmth that comes from a mother’s care. This is a great souvenir to bring back from Alishan to family and friends!

Alishan Grass Cakes

grass cakes

Source: margaret.tw

Street Grandmother’s Grass Cakes (街仔尾阿嬤的草仔粿 | Maps) is another popular and must-try local delicacy in Fengqihu. Located along the road of the Hundred-Year Cypress Sweet Donut, you can easily spot the sizable sign showcasing Street Grandmother’s Grass Cakes. Visitors to Fengqihu have surely indulged in these delicious treats, which come in various flavors. The most popular choices include the original grass cake and the taro-flavored one. The original grass cake features a filling made from finely chopped radishes stir-fried with scallion-infused oil, providing a nostalgic taste. The outer layer is soft and chewy. On the other hand, the taro flavor, accompanied by the fragrance of scallion-infused oil, is equally irresistible. The queue for these delectable grass cakes is a testament to their popularity among locals and tourists alike.

Alishan Aiyu

Source: hug.com.tw, pcone.com.tw

If you don’t know already, Aiyu, also known as “fairy fruit” or “ice jelly,” is a unique and refreshing gelatinous substance derived from the seeds of the Aiyu plant (Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang). Native to East Asia, particularly Taiwan, Aiyu has become popular for its distinctive texture and cooling properties. The plant produces inconspicuous flowers that don’t bloom but eventually develop into fruits filled with tiny seeds surrounded by a gelatinous casing. When the casing is scraped off and processed, it transforms into a translucent, jelly-like substance. Aiyu jelly is often served cold and enjoyed with various toppings such as citrus juice, honey, or fruits. Its light and slightly chewy texture, coupled with a mildly sweet taste, makes it a delightful treat, particularly during hot weather. Beyond its culinary appeal, Aiyu is also valued for its potential health benefits, including its hydrating properties and potential to soothe sore throats.

Wild Aiyu Jelly, naturally growing in the pristine forests at altitudes between 1000 to 2000 meters, is a treasure found in Alishan. Before harvesting, individuals or companies must bid for the right to collect Aiyu within state-owned forest areas. The harvesting season for wild Aiyu occurs from November to February. Although attempts have been made to cultivate Aiyu in flatlands, the quality falls short of wild Aiyu found deep in the mountains, which boasts higher concentrations of gelatinous essence. Consequently, Alishan’s wild Aiyu maintains its premium status in the market.

Uncle Aiyu

📍Maps 🕒 10:00-17:00

aiyu jelly in jiayi

Source: smiletw

During the filming of a TV show, the crews encountered Uncle Aiyu while he was harvesting Aiyu on the mountainside. Uncle Aiyu opened his bag, revealing a bounty of Aiyu seeds, prompting the host to affectionately call him “Uncle Aiyu,” which made him viral. He then named his shop Uncle Aiyu. Due to the high risks associated with Aiyu harvesting and Uncle Aiyu’s advanced age, his daughter ingeniously repurposed a small terrace from their regular family gatherings to provide a space for serving naturally harvested wild Aiyu, Alishan coffee, and a tranquil environment for travelers. This allows visitors from around the world to delve deeper into Taiwan’s culture, experience its most beautiful landscapes, and gives Taiwanese the opportunity to showcase unique products to the world. Not only can international tourists savor wild Aiyu here, but they can also discover the beauty of Taiwan.

Alishan Coffee, Cafes and Bakeries

Coffee in Alishan

Alishan Township is strategically located on the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5 degrees latitude, with an elevation ranging from 600 meters to 1500 meters. The region experiences abundant rainfall, ranging from 1500 to 2500 millimeters annually. It also maintains an average temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius throughout the year. These environmental factors create an ideal setting for the cultivation of premium coffee.

alishan coffee

Source: cw.com.tw

Alishan coffee began to gain momentum after the 921 earthquake when tea production and sales faced a temporary stagnation. The local government and farmers, recognizing the potential of coffee, revitalized this hidden gem. Drawing inspiration from local coffee pioneers like Gukeng Coffee and Dongshan Coffee, Alishan’s small-scale farmers combined their expertise in cultivating high-quality agricultural products with rigorous experimentation, continuous optimization, and a commitment to progress. In addition to preserving the historical Bourbon and Typica varieties introduced during the Japanese colonial period, they dared to introduce Arabica varieties such as SL34 and Geisha. The result is the cultivation of world-class, specialty Alishan coffee.

Ajiang’s Home 23 Café

📍Maps 🕒 09:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00

Source: mimihan.com

Ajiang’s Home 23 Café is a hidden gem in the deep mountains of Alishan. It is naccessible by car but requiring quite some parking skills. Serving both as a café and a homestay, Ajiang’s Home 23 Café only accepts on-site waiting and does not allow phone reservations or pets. The café’s unique charm lies in its mysterious stone houses, resembling scenes from Studio Ghibli animations and the Hobbits. It is often shrouded in mist, creating a fantasy-like ambiance. The establishment offers a glimpse of the Alishan mountain mist and tea plantations, providing an ideal spot for couples seeking a picturesque setting.

Ajiang’s Home originated from the owner, Ajiang. After losing his home in the Alishan Leye area to Typhoon Herb, sought out a new piece of land to construct his family’s new home. Starting with a basic shelter, Ajiang used traditional natural materials like stones and wood, recycled iron pieces, and incorporated his wife’s beloved succulents. Slowly, he fused Zou tribal elements to complete a living space that belongs to his entire family. Ajiang’s Home is also a paradise for cat lovers, with 12 to 13 adorable cats freely roaming around. They playfully run and jump, and there’s a charming water area specially created for them.

alishan scenic restaurant

Source: foolish.tw

The café menu at Ajiang’s Home includes Alishan coffee, Alishan oolong tea, flower tea, rice puff pancakes, fruit vinegar, and more. They are all crafted using locally sourced natural ingredients. The café enforces a 90-minute dining time limit with a minimum order of one beverage per person.

Xianjing Coffee House

📍Maps 🕒 10:30-17:00

Source: as660707.com

Nestled near the entrance of the Eryanping Trail on the Alishan Highway, “Xianjing Coffee House” is a welcoming respite for travelers seeking a break along the Alishan road. The name “Xianjing” is derived from the nearby scenic spot, “Xianjing Waterfall.” Established in May 2019, this coffee house offers delicious light meals and beverages. It is an unexpected haven for those who prefer not to spend hours completing the round trip on the trail. This cute little coffe house is managed by the Fan siblings, who returned to their hometown. With their family having cultivated tea for over 30 years and venturing into coffee cultivation five years ago, the siblings decided to open a cafe to bring the younger generation closer to their roots.

Ming Xin Coffee 鳴心咖啡

📍Maps 🕒 09:00-17:00

Source: xinmedia.com, margaret.tw

“鳴心咖啡” isn’t just a mountain village coffee shop; it’s a heartfelt return home story. Established in November 2017, the proprietor left his job to create a cozy space in his residence. Specializing in Italian and hand-drip premium coffees, with a focus on Alishan beans, the café meticulously follows brewing methods. From bean grinding to hand-drip, every detail is observed, delivering a delightful coffee experience. The café, situated at the Alishan Railway’s crossroads at Shizi Road Station, offers both indoor and outdoor seating. The revival of the Alishan Railway in 2017 reinvigorated the area, attracting the youth back to their roots and breathing new life into the once-silent settlement.

Zou Coffee

📍Maps 🕒 08:00-18:00

alishan coffee

Alishan cherry blossom

Source: Zou Coffee

Indulge in a relaxing afternoon tea experience at Zou Coffee! Known as the Coffee Prince of Alishan, the owner has received numerous awards, including the Coffee Bean Roasting Championship. Zou Coffee exclusively serves self-roasted and self-grown coffee beans, ensuring each cup is meticulously crafted with care. Accompanying the internationally acclaimed Alishan coffee are soft scones and delectable snacks, creating a heartwarming Alishan culinary experience. After a satisfying meal, take a leisurely stroll through the coffee garden to while away the afternoon – a delightful way to unwind amidst the scenic beauty of Alishan. If the season is right, Alishan is one of the best places to see cherry blossoms. Check out our post on best places for Taiwan cherry blossoms.

Piepiya Kitchen

📍Maps 🕒 11:00-17:00

Source: piepiya

Experience the latest addition to the culinary scene in the Chukou Tribe at Piepiya Kitchen. Recently renovated, the kitchen derives its name from the owner’s daughter, meaning “soul.” Artistic touches by the owner are evident in the surroundings, featuring a picturesque exterior often hailed as the “Instagrammable Wall.” The menu primarily focuses on light fare such as oven-baked bread and savory pies. Positioned conveniently along Route 18 near Alishan, Piepiya Kitchen is a must-visit for those seeking delectable Alishan cuisine and looking for the perfect souvenir to bring home.


There are definitely so much more to share and eat around the Alishan area in addition to the above mentioned. In general, we recommend you to plan ahead as restaurants might either be a little out of the way depending on your plan or so popular that you cannot find a space without reservation. If you like this post, we have a similar post for what to eat at Sun moon lake. From Alishan indigenous cuisine, to its tea, coffee and Aiyu, we can all have a wonderful Alishan food memory thanks to the rich culture and natural resources of this beautiful place!